Help us survive!

Your support gives our children a chance

900 thousand Hungarian Forints for survivalFour years ago we founded the Rózsaház School with the aim of enabling children with different developmental challenges to experience the healing power of Waldorf education and to learn in a community where they can finally be themselves and fulfill themselves. Through many, many miracles and collaborations, the school is up and running, but now it needs an extra 900 000 Forints (cca. 2200 EUR) per month to continue. That is why we are reaching out to you.

Energy insecurityOver the years, we have put tremendous effort into keeping this magical place alive. Parents, relatives, many friends and strangers have stood by us. We have become more and more self-sufficient, but recent events have made our school's situation almost impossible. Please help our children to continue their education at the Rózsaház School despite the increased energy costs and other expenses!

The energy of joint forcesPlease send us energy! By making a one-time or a regular monthly donation, you can help us to ensure that our children grow up in a school and community that helps them to build the fullest and most self-sufficient lives possible.


Thanks to your help, our monthly deficit is already decreased by 185 thousand Forints!


7 stories out of 35

We are grateful for your help!

Those who have already donated

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • PV

    Paula Veres

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

    Virágozzon a Rózsaház!❤️

  • IC

    Imre Czikkely

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • TK

    Tamás Krajnyák

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • BB

    Balazs Boglarka

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • VB

    Viktoria Bu

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • KE

    Kátainé Molnár Edit

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • AM

    András Melis

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • VS

    Viktória Szalóczi

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • ÉS

    Éva Sragner

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • GN

    Gábor Nyárády

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • KC

    Kinga Csorbáné Kertész

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • DM

    Dalma Mecseki

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • DR

    Dorina Rakovszky

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • BK

    Bence Dávid Kontár

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

    Ez egy olyan iskola, ami tényleg tiszta szeretettel működik és amiben minden munkatárs a gyerekekért dolgozik!

  • ZK

    Zsolt Kulacs-Shop

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • GP

    Galina Póder

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • IE

    Imola Elek

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

    Ez csak egy pici ajándék nektek…

  • GK

    Gábor Karuczka

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • BN

    Bendegúz Nádi

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • TS

    Timea Sass

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

    Nagygyörgy Zsuzsika imádunk!????????????

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • MH

    Mária Honti

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • SB

    Sulyok Barnabás

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • GT

    Gyula Toth

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • AB

    Adrian Banea

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • VS

    Viktória Senkálszky

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • VP

    Vikar Peter

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • MH

    Marta Harai-Meszaros

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • ZZ

    Zsuzsa Zombory

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

    Boldog Születésnapot, Nagygyörgy Miklós ("legyen hó")

  • AF

    Andi Fülöp

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • MK

    Marcsi Kelemen

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • MC

    Melinda Csik

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • KH

    Katalin Hecz

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • EC

    Emilian Catalin

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • PV

    Paula Veres

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • AS

    Andras Szennay

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • AH

    Anna Homonnai Varga

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • FK

    Fanni Kadocsa

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • FT

    Flóra Török

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • SP

    Szabolcs Pintér

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • DE

    Dora Epresi

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • KK

    Kornélia Kecskés

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • DS

    Dóra Szegfalvi-Nagygyörgy

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • AD

    Anita Darida-Sárközi

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • KA

    Krisztian Antal

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • Kulcsár Ágnes

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • AF

    András Farkas

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • KV

    Katalin Vass

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

    Cseperedjetek nagyra ❤️

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • KB

    Katalin Bartha

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • GL

    Gergo Laszlo

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • ZD

    Zsuzsanna Deák

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • ÉD

    Éva Dévainé Dávid

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • TG

    Tímea Göndös

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • VS

    Vekaniro Szecsődi

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • BD

    Barbara Dampfné Lakat

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • AH

    Aniko es csaladja Huszar

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • KF

    Krisztina Fitos

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • KF

    Kata Filkey

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • AG

    Andrea Gulyás

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • LS

    László Szőke

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • ÁM

    Ágota Mészáros

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • AB

    Attila Béres

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • LU

    László Ujvári

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • GT

    Géza Vidor Tóth

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • VR

    Vidak Rózsa

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • SK

    Szilvia Kállai

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • AH

    Andrea Hoffmann

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

    Reméljük, hogy a napsütés, amit küldünk nektek, vidámabbá teszi napjaitokat! Szeretettel, Hoffmann-Simonovits család

  • ZV

    Zita Valint

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • DB

    Detty Bozzay

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • ÉF

    Éva Flórián

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • VB

    Viktoria Bu

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • EP

    Erika Puskás

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • ÁK

    Áron Kovács

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • RM

    Rosero Maja

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • SO

    Szilvia Oszlánszki

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • EG

    Erika Geszvein

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • ÉS

    Éva Sragner

    Heated up one of the classrooms.


  • PT

    Péter Turbucz

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • TT

    Tündér Titok

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • KK

    Kornélia Káplár

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • SG

    Szoradi Gabor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • MM

    Marcell Mórotz

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • KS

    Klára Szombati

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.


  • TS

    Tímea Szabó

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • SP

    Szabolcs Papp

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • TL

    Tamas Lovas

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • MH

    Mariann Réka Hasi

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed us up.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • DT

    Diána Török

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • VS

    Viktória Szalóczi

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

    From Daniel, London.

  • IE

    Imola Elek

    Warmed us up.

  • BB

    Bori Bogányi

    Warmed us up.

  • GN

    Gábor Nyárády

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • AS

    Albert Sárospataki

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • IB

    Ildikó Bujdosó

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

    ❤ Benjinek és Kristófnak ❤ ❤ Karácsonyra és Dediék emlékére SZERETETTEL ❤

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • NF

    Noémi Fejes

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • EG

    Elysia Gallo

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • BA

    Beáta Abonyi

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • OM

    Orsolya Mihalovics

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

    ❤️Máté 4.osztály❤️

  • ZK

    Zsolt Kulacs-Shop

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • HT

    Horváth Tünde

    Warmed us up.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • RK

    Rezsőné Kéry

    Warmed us up.

  • KB

    Kornelia Balint

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • TK

    Tamás Kádas

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • FM

    Ferenc Marofka

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • FA

    Ferencné Abonyi

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed us up.

  • SV

    Sára Vári

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • ZG

    Zoltán Gaál

    Warmed us up, amelyhez tartozó támogatási összeget a HÓD INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS másfélszeresére megnövelt.

  • ÁD

    Ágnes dr. Zsellér

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • ZS

    Zsófi Szendrei-Berta

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • KH

    Katalin Holtsuk

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • AS

    Andrea Szabados

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • NS

    Nóra Soós

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • CM

    Csaba Méhész

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Heated up one of the classrooms, amelyhez tartozó támogatási összeget a HÓD INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS másfélszeresére megnövelt.

  • SG

    Szilvia Game

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • BV

    Balázs Varga

    Warmed us up, amelyhez tartozó támogatási összeget a HÓD INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS másfélszeresére megnövelt.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed us up, amelyhez tartozó támogatási összeget a HÓD INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS másfélszeresére megnövelt.

  • GJ

    Gabriella Juhász

    Heated up one of the classrooms, amelyhez tartozó támogatási összeget a HÓD INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS másfélszeresére megnövelt.

  • EM

    Emese Matosné Dóra

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

    Ölelést minden gyermeknek a Rózsaházban!

  • BV

    Bálint Varga

    Heated up one of the classrooms, amelyhez tartozó támogatási összeget a HÓD INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS másfélszeresére megnövelt.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed up a whole floor., amelyhez tartozó támogatási összeget a HÓD INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS másfélszeresére megnövelt. Wow!!

  • EB

    Erika Brandlhoffer

    Warmed us up, amelyhez tartozó támogatási összeget a HÓD INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS másfélszeresére megnövelt.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Heated up one of the classrooms, amelyhez tartozó támogatási összeget a HÓD INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS másfélszeresére megnövelt.

  • ZS

    Zsuzsanna Szmutkó

    Warmed us up, amelyhez tartozó támogatási összeget a HÓD INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS másfélszeresére megnövelt.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Heated up one of the classrooms, amelyhez tartozó támogatási összeget a HÓD INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS másfélszeresére megnövelt.

  • ÉT

    Éva Török

    Warmed us up, amelyhez tartozó támogatási összeget a HÓD INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS másfélszeresére megnövelt.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed up a whole floor., amelyhez tartozó támogatási összeget a HÓD INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS másfélszeresére megnövelt. Wow!!

  • ER

    Eva Rozsas

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • SB

    Sulyok Barnabás

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed us up.

  • ZL

    Zsófia Lászlóné Suszter

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed us up.

  • ÁP

    Ágoston Princz

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

    Csepp a tengerben, de a tenger is cseppekből áll.

  • ST

    Sándor Tapasztó

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed us up.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed us up.

  • JB

    Judit Bozsó

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed us up.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • MD

    Márti Domokos

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • MH

    Marta Harai-Meszaros

    Warmed us up.

  • ÉD

    Éva Dévainé Dávid

    Warmed us up.

  • RK

    Rita, Dean, Jacob and Lukas Kaufman

    Warmed us up.

  • EG

    Erika Geszvein

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • BK

    Beáta Kólya

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • AH

    Aniko es csaladja Huszar

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • AH

    Anna Homonnai Varga

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed us up.

  • AH

    Andrea Hoffmann

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • ZV

    Zita Valint

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • AB

    Attila Béres

    Warmed us up.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • ID

    István Dávid

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed us up.

  • KA

    Krisztian Antal

    Warmed us up.

  • LS

    Lászlóné Somogyvári

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • IH

    Ildi Hornok

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • GT

    Géza Vidor Tóth

    Warmed us up.

  • ZV

    Zita Vadler

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • HV

    Holczer Valéria

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • EH

    Erika Hunya

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed us up.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed us up.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • KT

    Kolos Tàpler

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • PB

    Péter Bóné

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • KM

    Krisztián Móczás

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • JS

    Jánosné Sándor

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • NZ

    Németh Zoltán

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • IK

    Istvánné Kovács

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • ZN

    Zoli Németh

    Warmed us up.

  • GF


    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • GK

    Gergely Kiss

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed us up.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed us up.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • SM

    Sebestyén Márton

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • EL

    Edit Leskó

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

    Szeretettel S.B. 3.osztalyos kisfiu nagyijatol. <3

  • ZH

    Zoltán Horváth

    Warmed us up.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • KB

    Krisztina Bujdosó

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • IL

    Ildikó Lobik

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • EB

    Eva Bacs

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • ÁH

    Ágnes Honecz

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • KS

    Krisztina Szekér

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • IW

    Ilona Wohlmutter

    Warmed us up.

  • JW

    Jozef Wist

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • József Éll

    Warmed us up.

  • KS

    Klára Szombati

    Warmed us up.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • BR

    Bence Réthi

    Warmed us up.

  • ZC

    Zsuzsanna Csorba

    Warmed us up.

  • KS

    Katalin Somogyvári

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • MS

    Mária Fanni Szűcs

    Warmed us up.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Warmed us up.

  • ZB

    Zita Buják

    Warmed us up.

  • VB

    Viktoria Bu

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • ZD

    Zsófia dr. Valovits

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • KS

    Katalin Szepesi-Kübeki

    Warmed us up.

  • ÉS

    Éva Sragner

    Warmed us up.

  • ZL

    Zalán Lingurár

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

  • AG

    Antalne Gulyas

    Warmed us up.

  • ZB

    Zoltán Bikás

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • GK

    Gábor Kemenes

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

    “Don’t just take, give back” - Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • ML

    Melinda Ludányi

    Warmed us up.

  • LS

    Lászlóné Somogyvári

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

    Köszönöm, hogy ilyen módon is támogathatjuk az iskolát!

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

    Hajrá Rózsaház!

  • BD

    Balázs Demeter

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • GH

    Gábor Hodász

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

    Csoda hely ez Janka lányunknak, hajrá Rózsaház!

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • KS

    Krisztina Schweigert-Kisida

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • ÁN

    Ákos Nonn

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • EK

    Eszter Kőpataki-Németh

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • XY

    anonymous donor

    Heated up one of the classrooms.

  • SG

    Szoradi Gabor

    Warmed us up.

  • ZP

    Zsuzsanna Papp-Varga

    Warmed us up.

  • FK

    Ferenc Kohári

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • KN

    Krisztina Nonn-Sarkadi

    Donated unique amount to support the children of Rózsaház.

  • MN

    Miklos Nagygyorgy

    Warmed up a whole floor.. Wow!!

    abrak a dabra

  • SP

    Szabolcs Papp

    Warmed us up.

More about our school

Rózsaház, Hungary's first and only Waldorf school offering special education for kids with special needs

Rózsaház is a school that was dreamed up and created by dedicated parents and dedicated special education teachers over many years. Two classes of the first year started in September 2019. The children are all special in their own way. They live with intellectual disabilities, Down's syndrome, autism spectrum disorder, speech impairment, behavioral-, psychiatric- and other developmental disorders.

Our children need additional special educational support, so there are two or three teachers for every class of 7. Because of these special needs, it costs much more to run the institution than the normative state subsidies. The monthly running costs of the school are more than 20 million Forints. Of this, only 900 thousand Forints are missing. We, parents, are doing our best, but without your generous support, it will not be enough.

We ask you to support us so that our children can grow up in a school and community that will help them to have the fullest and most self-sufficient life possible. Where the pace and curriculum is adapted to children's needs and abilities. And where children and parents can feel loved and safe, with their dignity intact.


4 grades

This September we started one more first grade with 8 new little pupils.


35 children

Every morning, 35 smiling children walk into the school to learn, create and play.


1760 special training hours

This is the number of individual and unique speech and movement development lessons delivered by our teachers in one year.


127 individual donors

Over the past 2 years, this is how many of you have helped our school to make dreams come true

2022 Rózsaház Special Education Waldorf Elementary School and Elementary Art School